Saturday, May 3, 2008

JEANS for girls

JEANS for girls

1. I am a new convert and I am having issues on dressing moderately. At the moment, I do not have the means to be able to get new clothing, and I'm very confused if what I do have is appropriate because I do have to leave the house a lot.Mostly, I have just T-shirts and jeans, not even any long-sleeved shirts. For the time being, is this alright? This has really been confusing me as every Muslim I talk to says something different. Thank you so much. ( Question By : Fatima- England )
2. Actualy I wear jeans and peaple says me that u should wear suit but jeans is long and i wear long and lose top which covers my back also and I sometimes use muffler also. It covers everything like suit then also some people says that jeans and all are male dress, but acording to islam suit is not islamic dress bcoz its punjabi. In saudia nobody wears suit. I want some sugestions from u that cant i wear jeans and if the answer is no or yes then why ? ( Question By : Sara- N-Delhi, India)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
Sisters, we are very happy to receive your questions and see how far our Muslim sisters are concerned about the ethics of their religion.

First of all, it should be clear that Islamic dress code for women is primarily intended to safeguard their modesty, dignity, and honor. Though Islam doesn't force women to wear a specific style or type of clothes, it declares some conditions that the Muslim woman dress should meet. While abiding by these Islamic ethics, a woman can still choose good-looking and comfortable clothes.

New Muslims should try their best to adopt Islamic ethics and morals. They will be greatly rewarded by Allah for their patience and forbearance.

Responding to your question, Wael `Abdel-Mut`aal Shihab is the Deputy of the Managing Editor of the IOL Shari`ah Department (Eng.). He graduated from Al-Azhar University, and got his M. A. from Al-Azhar in Islamic Studies, major on Islamic Jurisprudence and Its Principles. Now, he is working on his Ph. D. on the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence at Al-Azhar university
, states,

Sisters, thank you for your question. We welcome you to Islam among your Muslim brothers and sisters.Regarding your question, as a Muslim, you should wear proper clothes that meet the Shari`ah conditions. In case you are not able to buy new clothes that meet the requirements of hijab, try to pick and choose from among your clothes what is suitable and acceptable. You will be greatly rewarded by Allah for abiding by these ethics. Following are the requirements that your clothes should meet:

1. They should cover all your body with the exception of the hands and face.
2. They should not be transparent or revealing.
3. They should not be tight in a way that shows your body features; the clothes should be loose-fitting.
4. They should not be clothes that are peculiar to men in your community; women should not wear clothes that are known to be worn only by men and vice versa.

Having stated the above, it should be clear that Islam does not ask women to wear a specific style or type of clothes. Hence, any clothes that you wear which meet the above requirements—whether it is one, two, or three pieces, or it is made of jeans, cotton, or polyester—are acceptable.

Sister, if you don’t have the means to buy new clothes that meet the above conditions, then you can easily choose from your clothes what could meet these conditions. I am sure that you can successfully do that in a convenient way.

Moreover, avoid clothes that don't meet the above conditions; they are not proper for you.

Sister, though it might be difficult, especially at the beginning, to make that shift in your dress style, bear in mind that you will be greatly rewarded and blessed by Allah for abiding by the Islamic ethics.